Thursday, March 22, 2012

Okay so I can't believe I'm actually starting a blog, but here goes!  I know few people will probably read this.  I'm doing it more as an outlet for me, a way to keep friends and family far away up to date on our life, and hopefully something for my kids to look at when they are older( and hopefully make them smile).  It will probably be a large mixture of topics.  So lets start things off right :)  Last night I did something I can almost bet few people have ever done-I cleaned poop off of the inside of my clothes dryer!  I will leave out all the fun details but lets just say it involved a child who'd had an "accident" and another child who likes to help with the laundry. Aww the joys of motherhood!  Okay so I promise usually to not have gross things on my blog...oh wait I have kids :)


  1. Uhhhh yeah and that will not be the last place you find it! This is such a great idea. This will be a place that you can look back with your family and laugh at all the crazy misadventures that are in-store for you all.

  2. Can't wait to read about the adventure that is your life! Blogging is so fun, and reading back posts as time passes is even better. Can I suggest Windows Live Writer? Blogging got tons easier when I found that program. It's free. :)

    On poop... I found some (a lot) on the magazine I was reading earlier this week. That was a new low around here. Eww!

  3. Thanks Adrienne I will check into that!
