Friday, July 19, 2013

So i actually have internet service to the house now so I'm hoping to pick back up with this blog thing. Wow I didn't realize it had been so long! A lot has happened since I was last on here. We have a new baby girl Miss Lily Caroline! She is such a sweet girl and has made a perfect addition to our family. I'm still amazed how much I can love each new little one that has come along and how I can't believe there was a time they were not a part of our life! Molly is already asking when/if we are having another one (sigh).We are still finishing up our 2nd year homeschooling as we fell a little behind with my morning (or all the time) sickness and then having Lily. Oh well we'll catch up. I've become much more relaxed about that stuff this year...I guess because I had too LOL. My hubby has been on a mission trip this week and I am SO looking forward to him being home again!! This is the longest we've been apart-7 days! I know that is nothing for some people and makes me even more appreciate that I don't have to deal with it very often. Sooo excited he got to go though-I think he has had an awesome time! Of course while he was gone I had to pull Emmy's tooth (which was just oh so fun), the pool turned green, and I ran out of propane for the cookstove. Doesn't it always happen that way :). But hey, at least my washing machine broke (and got fixed) BEFORE he left.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

This is the conversation I just listened to as the big girls are cleaning/organizing their room (without being asked!)
Emmy: Are you talking to yourself again?
Molly: Yes.
Emmy: Why do we talk to ourselves all the time?
Molly: Because we can't talk to each other while we're working.
Emmy: Oh yeah.
I'm so blessed by these funny entertaining girls of mine-never a dull moment lol.....Oh and now Emmy is singing a song she made up concerning "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" with add ins of all the people she loves *sigh   I love my life!

Monday, April 16, 2012

So yesterday was a fun-and interesting-day! We started out like most sundays and headed to church where we were all very excited to see daddy as he had been at his yearly church mens retreat for the weekend. We had an amazing service-God was really working through our pastors yesterday! Following that we had our monthly church outreach meal with yummy barbeque. When that was finished the day got a little more interesting-you see I had accidentally locked my keys in the van coming into church and hadn't realized it until we needed to leave. So my awesome sweet loving hubby had to stand in the rain and wind to get into the car after first having to run to his work to get a clothes hanger. I felt soooo bad! About 45 minutes later we were finally ready to leave church (and the kids were REALLY needing a nap by this time). We were heading (late of course) to take my little cousin Hannah home as she had stayed with me while Casey was gone on the retreat. Oh yeah and Casey still had to work on her sister Taylor's car when we got there-have I mentioned how amazing that man of mine is :)  At this point we were running late to a birthday party that was at 4pm. It was about 3:45 and we were in Fordland and the party was in Fair Grove! We made pretty good time at least since the hubs was driving lol.  Got to the party and we all had a great time and then made it home just in time to relax for a little while before bed. Oh wait-relax-what was I thinking! Molly, who has been refusing to let anyone touch her loose tooth, has decided she is ready for it to come out no matter what it takes! So out comes the dental floss and the door knob.  I was so impressed with her! She now had no fear of the pain, even after the first try the dental floss broke so we had to try again, this time with success! She was sooo excited! The funniest part of the whole thing was Hailey just cried the whole time this was going on and saying "owe owe owe" and holding her mouth and pointing at Molly. It took us a few minutes to calm her down-it was so sweet how much she loves her sissy :) It's amazing how quickly they are growing up-of course today Emmy is going around the house telling me she thinks she has a loose tooth too :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Okay so I can't believe I'm actually starting a blog, but here goes!  I know few people will probably read this.  I'm doing it more as an outlet for me, a way to keep friends and family far away up to date on our life, and hopefully something for my kids to look at when they are older( and hopefully make them smile).  It will probably be a large mixture of topics.  So lets start things off right :)  Last night I did something I can almost bet few people have ever done-I cleaned poop off of the inside of my clothes dryer!  I will leave out all the fun details but lets just say it involved a child who'd had an "accident" and another child who likes to help with the laundry. Aww the joys of motherhood!  Okay so I promise usually to not have gross things on my blog...oh wait I have kids :)